An Interview with the LIIC

Oct 25, 2024

Breakthrough logo, new episode includes an interview with LIIC.

The Long Island Immigration Clinic (LIIC) is just one of many meaningful ministries housed and ran by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Its mission — to serve and advocate for immigrants who are seeking to obtain legal status in this country — makes it especially relevant in terms of the upcoming presidential election.

That’s why BREAKTHROUGH‘s next episode focuses on the hot button topic of immigration through an in-depth interview held between hosts Cristian Murphy (director of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) and S. Joan Gallagher, CSJ (CSSJ Federation Novitiate Director), as well as S. Janet Kinney, CSJ (director of the LIIC), and Claudia Cadenillas, Esq. (immigration attorney at the LIIC).

“It is no secret that as we sit here now, a week away from a critical and crucial election, we are in a moment that is unprecedented — particularly as it pertains to the topic of immigration,” S. Joan says at the start of the episode.

“The ever-changing nature of immigration in our country’s history has brought us to a point of dramatic division between parties, policies, and overall ideals for how the United States should approach this situation,” she said.

The conversation aims to help viewers and voters understand the core humanity of immigration, and how they can use this information to inspire their decisions as voters and neighbors.

“The real crisis on the topic of immigration is misinformation surrounding this topic,” Cadenillas said. “Misinformation affects the people seeking any type of immigration relief.”

The episode will premiere Monday, Oct. 28, at 7 p.m. on YouTube.

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