Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection Archives

April 14

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The Good News of the Risen Christ is this: Let God matter! Let God matter your bodies, your minds, your hearts and souls; let God matter the trees, the flowers, the gentle breeze, the sun and moon and stars and every living creature. Let God matter because matter is the mirror of God. Look into this mirror of matter and see what you believe. If you see Christ, divine love shining through the beauty of all things, then believe what you see; that God is restlessly seeking to become more. Become what you see and realize that you are the body of Christ.

Let us leave our tombs of darkness, our stifled and protected lives, closed in by giant rocks of hardened hearts or wounded egos or deep fear and anxiety. God is the infinite potential of infinite love and to believe in God is to believe in that which is not yet; the possibilities of what we can become. So throw yourselves into the heart of God – let go and see what happens when faith steers the power of the will. Venture forth into the unfinished world where God is struggling to be born; let us not settle for mediocrity but let us liberate our minds to imagine a new world.

Ilia Delio


Let God matter.


Reflect on the possibilities of what we can become. How would describe ‘the unfinished world where God is struggling to be born”? What does this mean in your own life?

Suggested Reading

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

The faith we proclaim makes us see God present in all those situations where we think God is absent.
Pope Francis

The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.
Julian of Norwich.

The Spirit is simply God’s self-communication in grace, present and active everywhere, pervading the world.
Elizabeth Johnson

A sense of the universe, a sense of the all, the nostalgia which seizes us when confronted by nature, beauty, music – these seem to be an expectation and awareness of a Great Presence.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

What Love Tells Us About God Love, which might be called the attraction of all things toward all things, is a universal language and underlying energy that keeps showing itself despite our best efforts to resist it. It is so simple that it is hard to teach in words, yet we all know it when we see it.
Richard Rohr

The Christian understanding of incarnation is not just about a coming of God in the flesh of humanity, but also about the transformation of our biological condition into one more transparent to the power of the spirit/
Diarmuid O’Murchu

God is the infinite potential of infinite love and to believe in God is to believe in that which is not yet.
Ilia Delio