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Book Discussion – Barefoot by Sharon Garlough Brown

October 10 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

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An event every month that begins at 10:30 am on day Second of the month, repeating until December 12, 2024

Join Us for a book discussion of Barefoot by Sharon Garlough Brown
Happening the Second Thursday of the month from October 10th to December 12th.

Barefoot is a book that continues the story about four women continuing on the path to find wholeness and hope. Join us as we explore their story of grief, disappointment and ultimately surrender. Barefoot brings us gently to the place where we know the only adequate response is to take off our shoes and stand before God on holy ground. Join the women of the Sensible Shoes club in a poignant story that reveals the joy that comes from standing barefoot on holy ground.

Facilitator: Beth Barker
Location: Bldg. 4 – 3rd Floor Meeting Room
Books can be purchased through Amazon
Free will offering


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October 10
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


La Providencia