Evening for Married Couples
January 28 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Art of Loving, the Joy of Being Loved, and Journeying with a Grateful Heart.
Join us Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 7 to 9 p.m. for the second in a series of evenings for married couples to step away and spend some time with other couples who long for the same thing — to nurture their relationship. Join us as we discuss the joys and challenges of being married. What are the things that we value and what are the challenges of being in a relationship?
Topics will include communication, forgiveness, reconciliation, quality not quantity, and partner vs. roommate.
Bldg. 4 – Joan de Lourdes Room
Offering: $20 per couple
Team: JoAnne & Ed Ayers, Beth & Jim Barker, Tracey & Matt O’Reilly, and Susan & Pat Vivona
To register for the event via mail, you can send your name, address, phone number, email address, and check to the attention of:
Linda S.
Spiritual Direction Program, La Providencia Bldg. 4
1725 Brentwood Rd., Brentwood, NY 11717
Please make all checks payable to Sisters of St. Joseph.
You can also share your registration details via email (sdfp@csjbrentwood.org) or phone (631.273.1187 x411).