Lenten Day of Prayer
February 17, 2024 - 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
- This event has passed.
S. Mumbi Kigutha, CPPS, president of Friends in Solidarity, will invite us to go deeper during this sacred season. S. Mumbi has served diverse and vulnerable populations across cultures. Her theological interests center around Womanist and Africana interpretations, reconciliation, racial and gender equity, and their intersection with other areas of social justice. She will guide us on our journey into the heart of Lent.
Presenter: Mumbi Kigutha, CPPS
Location: Joan de Lourdes Room, La Providencia Center, Bldg. 4 with a virtual option via Zoom.
Cost: $25
The Office of Spirituality Contact:
Joan Gallagher, CSJ
Email: spirituality@csjbrentwood.org
Phone: 631-283-1187, ext 122