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The Passion Narratives: A Paradigm for Christian Discipleship

The Passion Narratives: A Paradigm for Christian Discipleship Few biblical accounts evoke more emotion than the Passion Narratives. These accounts of Jesus’ suffering and death play a powerful and climactic role in the four Gospels, to say nothing of their liturgical role in Holy Week. Each evangelist shaped the common inherited tradition somewhat differently, even…


The Bible and Ecology

Instructor: Dr. Paul Schutz In this five-week course, the focus will be on key biblical texts (Genesis 1-3, Psalms 8 and 104, Proverbs, NT, Revelation, etc.) that discuss creation, God's relationship to creation, and humanity's standing within the natural world. This course will examine the way the Bible has been used to justify social oppression and…

Spirit Alive – Christianity’s Problem with Sex

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Todd Salzman, PhD Creighton University 9/13/23: Christianity’s Problem with Sex Todd Salzman holds the Amelia and Emil Graff Professor of Catholic Theology Chair at Creighton University, Omaha, NE. His research and teaching focus on ethical theory, sexual ethics, ecclesiology and ethics, and biomedical ethics. He has authored and co-authored (with Michael Lawler) 11 books and…

Spirit Alive – Sexuality & Spirituality in Christian Tradition

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Barbara Newman, PhD Northwestern University 10/04/23: Sexuality & Spirituality in Christian Tradition   Barbara Newman is Professor of English, Classics, and History and John Evans Professor of Latin at Northwestern University, where she has taught since 1981. Known for her work on medieval religious culture, comparative literature, and women's spirituality, she is the author of twelve…


Spirit Alive – How is Sex Sacred

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Natalia Imperatori-Lee, PhD Manhattan College 10/18/23: How is sex sacred? Natalia Imperatori-Lee is Professor and Chair of Religious Studies at Manhattan College in the Bronx, NY, where she also coordinates the Catholic Studies program. She is the author of Cuéntame: Narrative in the Ecclesial Present (Orbis Books, 2018), and a forthcoming text on feminist theology…


Spirit Alive – Women of the Earliest Christian Communities

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Women of the Earliest Christian Communities: Disciples, Apostles, Prophets, and Teachers A six-week mini course conducted by NT scholar Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ, PhD Thursdays September 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, and 26th Carolyn Osiek is a Charles Fischer Catholic Professor of New Testament Emerita at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, previously Professor of New…

Spirit Alive – The Debate over Gender and Its Many Implications

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Cristina L.H. Traina, PhD Fordham University Charles Bouchard, OP Aquinas Institute of Theology 11/8/23: The Debate over Gender and Its Many Implications   Cristina L.H. Traina is the Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. Professor of Catholic Theology at Fordham University, Bronx, NY.  She is a feminist theologian who has written on the ethics of sex and…


Spirit Alive – Multicultural Celebration

Sacred Heart Chapel Brentwood, NY

Sunday Dec. 10 Join us for a Multicultural Celebration! Starting with a liturgy in our Sacred Heart Chapel on our Brentwood Campus followed by a reception. Multicultural Celebration of the second Sunday of Advent & Our Lady of Guadalupe Sunday, December 10, 2023 Sisters of St. Joseph - 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood NY 11717 Multi-lingual…


Spirit Alive – Non-Binary Love

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Craig Ford, PhD Saint Norbert College 12/13/23: Non-binary love. Craig A. Ford, Jr. is Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at St. Norbert College, where he also serves as Co-Director for the Peace and Justice Interdisciplinary Minor. Dr. Ford researches topics at the intersection of queer theory, critical race theory, and the Catholic moral tradition.…
