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Feast of Joseph, Husband of Mary

All are invited to join the Sisters of St. Joseph, Associates, Agrégées, and Partners in Mission as they celebrate their patron, and renew their vows, and commitment to the mission. Free Will Offering Date/Time: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 11:00 am Location: Sacred Heart Chapel, 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY. The liturgy will also be live-streamed.…

Easter Triduum

At The Garden, Brentwood Campus 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY, United States

The Sisters of St. Joseph invite all to pray with them during these holy days, from the Last Supper, the persecution and death of Jesus, and the Vigil of the Resurrection. Dates/Times:  Holy Thursday - Thursday, March 28th, 4:00 PM Good Friday - Friday, March 29th, 3:00 PM Easter Vigil - Saturday, March 30th, 4:00…

Meditations on Laudato Si: An Evening with Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ

via Zoom

Elizabeth Johnson will share some meditations from her recently published book, Come, Have Breakfast, Meditations on God and the Earth. In a series of 30 meditations, this book views planet Earth, its beauty and threatened state, in relation to God. Each meditation offers a snapshot of the holy mystery who creates, indwells, redeems, vivifies, and…


Sewing Seeds of Hope With Our Vote

via Zoom

  Sowing Seeds of Hope With Our Vote Zoom: Monday, May 20, 2024; 7–8:30 PM Sponsored by: Sisters of St. Joseph and Sisters of St. Dominic In his recent document "Laudato Deum” Pope Francis tells us, “There are no lasting changes without cultural changes…and there are no cultural changes without personal changes.” (#70) Let us…

Guided Retreat: Trinitarian Relationships and Our Synodal Path

St. Joseph Villa 81 Lynn Avenue, Hampton Bays, United States

The relationship between and among the Trinity is an expression of a divine plan which calls us to a radical response. This relationship also informs how we can respond to the Synodal journey occurring at this moment in history. In this retreat, we will explore the nature of our prophetic call, using the non-hierarchical nature…

Guided Retreat: Meeting God at Every Turn of Our Journey

St. Joseph Villa 81 Lynn Avenue, Hampton Bays, United States

Our welcoming God meets us wherever we find ourselves at any given moment including in our aging with its questions, changes, diminishments, resistances, its joys, and losses, and in the ordinary fabric of our days. In taking a pause to rest and listen, we deepen our contemplative journey and open ourselves to not only hear…

Guided Retreat: Cosmos, Christ and Commitment; Seeking God Anew

St. Joseph Villa 81 Lynn Avenue, Hampton Bays, United States

In our seeking we find God at the heart of the Universe seeking us. This retreat draws us ever deeper into an experience of this great mystery. In turn, the mystery invites us to encounter Christ anew in the Cosmos, in the context of the Gospels, and in our personal lives. Through daily experiences of…

The Artist and the Theologian: Contemplating Creation

via Zoom

Join us for The Artist and the Theologian: Contemplating Creation This is a collaborative offering from the Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, and Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood to celebrate the Season of Creation. This program combining a feast of images, music, and readings will draw participants into contemplation, compassion, and wonder at the glory,…


Advent Retreat Program: A Journey of Waiting, Watching, and Preparing for the Light

Sacred Heart Chapel Brentwood, NY +1 more

Presented by Beth Barker and Joann Caramanico "The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon, the likes of which we have never seen before. So stay. Sit. Linger. Ponder. Tarry. Wait. Behold. Wonder." -Jan Richardson Come, step away for a while to intentionally wait, watch, and hope as you prepare for the…


Journey-Faith in an Entangled World: Book Discussion

via Zoom

Presenter: Nancy Sylvester, IHM, Founder and President of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue Nancy will speak about her new book, Journey-Faith in an Entangled World, inviting us to integrate our faith experience with contemporary insights from theology, philosophy, science, and psychology. Critical to this synthesis is contemplation and its capacity for transformation both of self…