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Growing in Radiance with Teilhard de Chardin Mini-Course

via Zoom

Growing in Radiance with Teilhard de Chardin Dates: October 15, 22, 29, November 5, and 12 Time: 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. ET Using a Lectio Divina style, we will focus each week on a single image of the Cosmic Christ with time for input, reading together, reflection, and sharing around a central theme. Themes include…

Beyond Laudato Si’ & Laudate Deum: A New Theology of Creation

via Zoom

Beyond Laudato Si’ & Laudate Deum: A New Theology of Creation Date: November 13, 2024 Time: 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. ET Since 1990, the Catholic Church has recognized human-caused climate change as a moral issue and called for science-based policy responses in civil society. However, the Church has committed broad ecclesial sins of omission by…


Hands-on-Earth Play Time

At The Garden, Brentwood Campus 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY, United States

By encouraging open-ended play and exploration, the Garden Ministry will allow children to engage in fun, seasonal activities that stimulate their body and mind while nurturing their sense of wonder. Hands-on-Earth will take place in a garden setting with chickens, rabbits, and goats. Dress for the mess! This event is open to all ages. All…

Transforming the Church and Society through Care for our Common Home

via Zoom

Transforming the Church and Society through Care for our Common Home Date: December 4, 2024 Time: 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. ET The Catholic faith tradition offers both deep theological and ethical resources for addressing the climate crisis, as well as the inspiration and hope needed for critically needed action throughout society. The Catholic moral imagination…

Holiday Wreath Making

At The Garden, Brentwood Campus 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY, United States

Join us on Saturday, Dec. 7, to learn how to make holiday wreaths from the beauty of Brentwood's trees. Registration for this event is required. To register, email Please bring a wire coat hanger. Time: 10 a.m. Location: The Garden, Brentwood Campus Cost: Free will offering


Book Discussion – Barefoot by Sharon Garlough Brown

La Providencia

Join Us for a book discussion of Barefoot by Sharon Garlough Brown Happening the Second Thursday of the month from October 10th to December 12th. Barefoot is a book that continues the story about four women continuing on the path to find wholeness and hope. Join us as we explore their story of grief, disappointment…

Advent Retreat Program: A Journey of Waiting, Watching, and Preparing for the Light

Sacred Heart Chapel Brentwood, NY +1 more

Presented by Beth Barker and Joann Caramanico "The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon, the likes of which we have never seen before. So stay. Sit. Linger. Ponder. Tarry. Wait. Behold. Wonder." -Jan Richardson Come, step away for a while to intentionally wait, watch, and hope as you prepare for the…


Winter Solstice Prayer

At The Garden, Brentwood Campus 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood, NY, United States

Join us for an hour of prayer on the darkest day of the year. Quiet your mind, body, and spirit as we prepare to welcome the Light of the Incarnation into the world. "What came to be was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness..."…

Journey-Faith in an Entangled World: Book Discussion

via Zoom

Presenter: Nancy Sylvester, IHM, Founder and President of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue Nancy will speak about her new book, Journey-Faith in an Entangled World, inviting us to integrate our faith experience with contemporary insights from theology, philosophy, science, and psychology. Critical to this synthesis is contemplation and its capacity for transformation both of self…