Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection Archives

January 22

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Prayer is the energy of awakening to the radical presence of God.  It is the breathing of God’s Spirit in me that awakens me to the reality of my own existence.  As I awaken to my own reality, I awake to the reality of the whole of which I am part, the whole that is the universe itself. Although I am drawn to that which I cannot grasp, I am drawn to that which already holds me in the depth of my own beingness. As I am pulled into the power of God, my mind is filled with light and my being expands.  Such is the power of contemplation.
Ilia Delio


Be still and know that I am God.


Reflect on the words above.  Make time in your own day to be silent and open to prayer.

Suggested Reading

Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
Luke 6:12

For contemplation is nothing else than a secret and peaceful and loving inflow of God, which, if not hampered, fires the soul in the spirit of love.
John of the Cross

There is no true knowledge of God that does not imply a profound grasp and an intimate personal acceptance of this profound relationship.
Thomas Merton 

Contemplation is an alternative consciousness that refuses to identify with or feed what are only passing shows. It is the absolute opposite of addiction, consumerism or any egoic consciousness.
Richard Rohr

Go deeply into the urge to be silent and not the mental interference of how, where and when. If you follow silence to its source you can be taken by it in a moment.
Jean Klein

Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit instead of the barrage coming from your brain.”
David Brazzeal

What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.
Meister Eckhart

Mysticism is the art of union with Reality.  The mystic is a person who has attained that union in greater or less degree; or who aims at and believes in such attainment.
Evelyn Underhil