Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection Archives

March 30

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Lent means “springtime.” It is that time when daylight lengthens and scatters the darkness, when winter gives way in us, in our relationships, our families, our community, and in the world. So we move through Lent acutely aware of the darkness, but believing in the light of Christ which no darkness can overcome. The purpose of Lent is not only to create in us clean hearts, but thirsty hearts anxious to drink deeply of the saving Waters of Life, hungry hearts yearning to be fed by the Bread of Life and to feed others, and new hearts not made of stone but of flesh. In doing so, Christ will easter in us and in our world.
Daniel J. Miller


May I walk in the light of Christ.


Reflect on Lent as the spring of new life. How can you move forward in that mindset?

Suggested Reading

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life ,
John 8:12

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Corinthians 5:17

We receive a new way of being, the life of Christ becomes ours: we are able to think like him, act like him, to see the world and things with the eyes of Jesus.
Pope Francis

 Christ invites us to remain in touch with the many sufferings of every day and to taste the beginning of hope and new life right there, where we live amid our hurts and pains and brokenness.
Henri J.M. Nouwen

You must master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.-Marianne Williamson

The Christian life, and especially the contemplative life, is a continual discovery of Christ in new and unexpected places.
Thomas Merton

The beginning is always today.
Mary Shelley