Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection Archives

May 6

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Faith in the broader sense is not any specific religious belief but rather an awareness that Incomprehensible Mystery is present in our lives. It is an attunement to the sacred and an openness to the possibilities of a relationship with the Holy One. The challenge to faith is not so much disbelief as indifference or resistance to God’s movement within us. Scripture calls it having a “hard heart”. It denotes being closed to the interior prompting of the Spirit. We are cautioned: “Today, if you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.”


Create in me an open heart. Renew in me your Spirit.


What is your concept of faith? Review whether you have experienced a “hardened heart”. How open are you to the movement of the Spirit?

 Suggested Reading


And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?”
Matthew 8:26

Pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Philemon 1:6I

The substance of the faith remains always the same, but the mode of its expression changes.
Pope John XXIII

The way of faith is necessarily obscure. We drive by night.
Thomas Merton

To have an attitude of faith is to hear the Lord speaking everywhere and all the time, in the concrete and ordinary circumstances of our lives. Then religion and life have become one, and we are never far from God.
Richard Rohr

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.
Khalil Gibran

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.
Helen Keller

As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
Emmanuel Teney

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.
Mahatma Gandhi

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
Rabindranath Tagore

I live and love in God’s peculiar light.