Josephine C. Adams, CSJ
We are here to celebrate the life of Sister Josephine Adams.
Josephine was grounded by her family, her friends, her sisters and most of all by God. Her parents brought her up to be comfortable with herself and with others. They gave her a sense of focus and common sense. Wherever Josephine was, she projected warmth, joy and acceptance to all she met. She was comfortable with herself so she was able to allow others to be comfortable with themselves.
Josephine had an instinct for people. She chose her friends. They didn’t chose her. She could give advice. Once when I was very frustrated about a situation, she waved her hand at me and said, ‘As you always do. You will kill them with kindness.’ She also had other friends who also were accepted for who they were. They were comfortable in her presence and she in theirs.
With the community, she was present in the house and at meetings. Josephine was always generous. She encouraged the Sisters in government and their projects. However, she always avoided the various agendas and would return to the real world. Everyone was poor in some way and needed our respect and what we could do with them.
In her field of education both as a teacher and as a principal, there were particular cases of great need or great potential. She was known to have taught boys how to ask a girl for a date. Her encouragement and ability to have them become comfortable with who they were enabled them to pursue may different careers.
She was also a good mentor to teachers. She was comfortable with who she was, therefore, she was not a threat to them.
God and she were present to each other. She was comfortable with God and she planned prayer services and retreats for the sisters.
Josephine brought joy and peace wherever she was. She had a disarming smile that hid a wealth of common sense, a being grounded in God, and a comfortableness with the people whom God had created both herself and others.
Josephine had many likes – people, steak, chocolate, Bailey’s Irish Cream, travel, canasta, kindle. Josephine was real. She was always learning and always willing to share, especially with the computer, the community news, stories.
The Second and third readings today end with gratitude to God. Josephine recognized that all was gift from God. She was thankful and expressed her gratitude in many ways.
She lived in the reality of God’s love for her and for everyone else. She did not really understand negativity and walked away from it. So, should we.
Eizabeth Graham, CSJ
Sister Josephine C. Adams, CSJ died on July 16, 2017 in the 72nd year of her religious life.