Sister Agnes Theresa Schwiintek, CSJ
Sister Agnes Theresa Schwintek, CSJ, the former Sister John Winifred, died on November 27, 2022 in the 73rd year of her religious life.
We join together to celebrate and give thanks for the life of Sister Agnes Schwintek, formerly Sister John Winifred,a Sister of St. Joseph for 73 faith-filled years.
Anyone who ever met Agnes knows that she was a woman who “meant what she said and said what she meant.” On numerous occasions Agnes made it clear that she wanted no reflection at her funeral ~ and just in case the point was missed she put not one,
but three notes in her file to that effect. Only the priest who celebrated her mass could speak about her in his homily. And so, Father Sean, our dear CSJ friend, you have that privilege today.
Agnes’ fruitful life was a gift from God and reflected grace upon grace in all its fulness. We would be remiss, and we know Agnes would want us to mention her faithful and life long relationship with Jane Dinsmore, her treasured friend who sits proudly in a front seat of honor.
Agnes and Jane nurtured each other by prayer, attention to the Eucharist, good works, fun times and a deep sense of the holy. Our loving support is with you Jane, as God welcomes your dear friend home. Gratitude also for the staff and aides of St. Joseph Convent who enabled both of you to have a quality of life beyond compare!
As our Constitution is placed in Agnes’ hands we remember with prayerful gratitude her 73 faithful years lived as a Sister of St. Joseph.
May she bless us all with deep peace and the grace to live our lives with authenticity, compassion and a focus on all that flows from a vibrant relationship with our loving God.