
Sister Angela Esposito. CSJ

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Angela Esposito was born in Brooklyn, the daughter of Marietta and Thomas Esposito. It was there that the bonds of care and involvement in family were first formed together with her brothers Neil and John.

As Angela began her early ministry it was with young children in parish schools but her study of French touched deeply into her passion and that led to her achieve a Master’s degree in French, and eventual certification from the Sorbonne. Angela taught at the high school level with cherished years at Holy Family High School in Huntington and also at the college level at Molloy and St. Francis. I am sure her emersion in French led her to cherish our congregation’s founding in Le Puy and our history of going out into the city to cure its ills. She shared it freely with her family and students.

In that same spirit, Angela shared her skills and gifts as a translator for ATD Fourth World Movement. ATD Fourth World Movement is an organization that works to overcome the injustices of persistent poverty and social exclusion by bringing together people from all walks of life, learning from people who face poverty every day, and running family and community projects.

Angela also used her skills to edit publications and to help in the processing of immigrants in a Queens Community organization.

Her cooking wonderful meals will be remembered by all who enjoyed them.

We can all attest to Angela’s savoir faire, her poise, finesse, style and sensitivity. The sisters at Dalny Road saw it on a daily basis.

Underneath it all, Angela knew of God’s unconditional love in her life. She now enjoys the fullness of that love in this season when we celebrate Christ’s Ascension and union with the source of all life and love. This union is still vibrant and effective as we wait for the coming of the Spirit that enables all of us to continue to live the gospel mandate to love God and neighbor without distinction. Angela’s life invites all of us to live, following our passions ia a way that transforms lives and brings joy and opportunity into the lives of others.

Sister Angela Esposito, CSJ died on May 11, 2015 in the 70th year of her religious life.

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