Sister Bernard Loretto Carr,CSJ
Today we come together to celebrate the magnanimous gift of the life and love of Sister Bernard Loretto Carr, a Sister of Saint Joseph for over seventy-seven years. Daughter of James and Mary Elizabeth, she was a Brooklyn girl from Holy Cross Parish and after graduating from our Juniorate, she entered the congregation in 1939.
Sister Bernard Loretto earned a degree in Spanish from St. John’s University which prepared her to teach in a number of parishes here and in Puerto Rico and to serve as Principal of St. Peter and Paul School.
A major part of her ministry was to the people of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Brooklyn. Here with people of great faith, she lived simply, courageously and compassionately to be God’s presence wherever it was needed. Nurtured by her deep relationship with a loving God, Bernie taught and ministered in the parish for twenty-seven years.
Our congregation was founded in Le Puy, France as the congregation of the great love of God and neighbor without distinction. Each day sisters would go out into the city, see the needs of the people and respond. Bernie did this quietly, faithfully and with great kindness. She knew God’s love for her and she shared that love generously with her dear family and with the people of the parish. The German author Goethe wrote: “Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.” Today we celebrate the many bonds Bernie created because of her kindness. Her family, her community at Sacred Heart and the many places she ministered have been drawn into the mystery of God’s love for everyone because of her kindness and faithfulness. May she now enjoy the fullness of God’s great kindness and eternal peace.
Sister Bernard Loretto Carr, CSJ died on March 26, 2015 in the 78th year of her religious life.