Sister Carol Marie Lenz, CSJ
Loved, called, joyful and faithful, Carol Marie Lentz lived as a Sister of St. Joseph for sixty-eight years. Born to Pauline and Joseph, named Arlene, she grew up in Greenpoint with her sisters Barbara and Carol, attending St. Cecelia’s Parish School and our Juniorate before entering the congregation. In her early years Carol taught younger children and earned a degree in history from St. Francis College.
Open to the call to minister in Puerto Rico, Carol brought her love of life and music to the children there. While teaching for eight years at Academia Santa Monica, Carol engaged in the study of intercultural communication at the Catholic University of Puerto Rico and English as a second language at the College of the Sacred Heart.
All of these experiences enriched her nine years as Assistant Principal at St. Teresa of Avila in Brooklyn during times of great change in the parish and surrounding neighborhood. Companioned by the Principal, Eugenia Calabrese, CSJ, I am sure they met the many challenges with compassion, care and a good bit of humor. Perhaps, Carol kept up her spirits by being the Leader of Song at St. Alphonsus Church in Greenpoint during those years.
Faithful to family and the congregation, Carol never wavered from supporting her sister, Carol. In her later ministry in The Mary Louis Academy as Secretary in the Guidance Department, Carol continued to share her joy and love of life with all who knew her. Called and knowing that her loving God would be with her in all of her struggles, Carol faced challenges later in her own life with a gracious trust. To the end of her days, Carol knew innately that Jesus who accompanied her throughout her life was truly her way, her truth and her life.
As we celebrate Carol’s life we ponder our call in life at this time and as Carol, promise to be faithful with a sense of joy, peace and a song in our hearts
Sister Carol Marie Lenz, CSJ died on July 24, 2017 in the 68th year of her religious life.