Sister Elizabeth Gilhooley, CSJ
We welcome all who have known and loved Sister Elizabeth Gilhooley, a Sister of Saint Joseph for nearly 70 years. Our congregation was founded in the 17th century France where poverty, domination and violence precipitated the French revolution. Our first sisters realized that the persons who suffered most were the poor, and those who struggled with the human condition under unjust rule. They responded by going out each day to the surrounding neighborhood, seeking out the ills of the city and doing all that was possible to meet the needs they found.
Sister Elizabeth Gilhooley lived out of our founding tradition. She went out to the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens and taught children who needed, not only knowledge, but the realistic interpretation of gospel values in their human experience. She nurtured children in the elementary grades and fostered the development of skills and abilities of young adults in the fields of business and commercial skills here and in Puerto Rico.
Elizabeth had a deep faith, nurtured by a close relationship with a God who loved her unconditionally. She understood human frailty and developed her skills as counselor, guide and supporter to encourage others. She understood and lived out the charism of our founding sisters. Wherever there is need, you go anywhere to meet that need and Liz was always available. According to the testimony of so many who knew her, Liz did this as Isaiah instructed, by putting on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, forgiving one another out of a deep love.
One of Liz’s greatest gifts was to help people connect with one another. Relationships were central to Liz’s life because she understood the message of Paul to bear with one another, forgive one another and above all put on love.
Liz we honor you, we thank you and we rejoice with you that you now know eternal peace that comes from the unconditional love of God.
Sister Elizabeth Gilhooley, CSJ died on September 26, 2014 in the 70th year of her religious life.