
Sister Florence Mary Symes, CSJ

We remember and celebrate the life of Sister Florence Mary Symes, CSJ. Florence entered the Congregation in 1950 and lived the 70 years of her religious life as a woman who loved community and lived her ministries believing in ‘faith in action’. Her life was one filled with  kindness, generosity and humor as a teacher in our elementary schools and as a Director of Religious Education. Her students became involved in social justice advocacy in Appalachia, making quilts for AIDS patients, as well as in their own parishes doing community service.  We remember that Florence lived her 88 years as an example to each and every person she met that love is an action – and the practice of giving ourselves to others is the truest way to honor God. Florence’s vision was one of modeling God’s inclusive love and she brought our charism and mission to peoples of all ages.

Sister Florence Mary Symes. CSJ died on May 19, 2020 in the 70th year of her religious life.

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