
Sister Margaret Frederick Most, CSJ

We celebrate the life of Sister Margaret Frederick Most, a Sister of Saint Joseph for seventy four years. As Sisters of Saint Joseph we vow to be the presence of God where there is the greatest need. As Jesus cured the ill, welcomed the strange, and taught the children, Margaret ministered as teacher and mentor wherever she was. In Schools in Flushing, Maspeth, Brentwood and Brooklyn Margaret taught the children and young women in the spirit of Jesus. She lived the words of Paul we will hear in today’s liturgy: “I will pray with joy because of the way in which you have helped me in the work of the gospel from the very first day.”
Margaret lived the gospel as a vowed religious who loved the congregation and lived in community enjoying friends, times of celebration and vacations in Hampton Bays. In the seventy-four years as a Sister of Saint Joseph she saw many changes and ministered in many different schools including Bishop Kearney High School. Margaret held a BA in English from Manhattan College and an MA in Speech Education from Columbia University.

We will celebrate her life as we share in the Eucharist as a community, acknowledging God’s powerful and loving presence in our lives. Margaret trusted in her loving God and was open to where the Spirit called her to be. We thank her for her faithfulness, we remember her generous sharing of gifts and we love her.

Sister Margaret Frederick Most, CSJ died om January 20. 2015 in the 74th year of her religious life.



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