Sister Mary Ann Ambrose, CSJ
Thank you to all who are here this morning to celebrate the wonderful life of S. Mary Ann Ambrose, a Sister of St. Joseph for 41 years.
We all know that Mary Ann shared her many gifts with us each and every day. We also know that one of these gifts involved the fact that she was very organized … and, too, very specific in what she wanted done … no matter what event or project she was organizing
Well, today is no different. Mary Ann composed her Liturgy for today. Many of us here have received very specific guidelines – actually instructions – to be followed. However, we may edit a tad as we go along.
The very first thing that she wanted said is “Thank you.” Thank you to each person who enriched her life.
The second piece that she wanted said involves a little story.
Last Fall we were driving to an appointment and Mary Ann said to me: “Listen to these songs. What do you think of them?”
As I listened, it dawned on me that she was choosing hymns for today’s Mass. My voice cracked as I said: “They are lovely.” She looked at me and asked me to pull over. Then she said: “Listen, I don’t want any tears from you today or any day as we journey on the road ahead. I don’t want any tears from anyone on the day of my funeral. It is to be a celebration of life!”
I said that I was not sure if I could promise that … but I would try. She then said: “OK … but remember that I will be there and I will be watching.” And so she is.
She is still with us … because she is a force of Love. In truth, Mary Ann was a force of Inclusive Love. Everyone was welcomed into Mary Ann’s presence. Everyone was accepted, included, and valued by her … from the smallest child to the Senior Sister, to the neighbor on Seeley Street … and in a special way, to the little ones with four little legs.
Born in Brooklyn to Bob and Peg along with her brothers Bob and Kevin, and her sister Margaret, Mary Ann knew what love meant in a very real way. Family was special and family was important.
After the family moved to Floral Park, Mary Ann attended Our Lady of the Snows school. As a matter of fact, Mary Ann was asked to offer the graduation address at Snows this past June.
She wrote it; however, when the time came, she was too sick to deliver it. She asked S. Roberta Oberle to offer it; her sister Margaret attended and taped it. Mary Ann viewed the tape and announced that she was very proud and delighted with it!
After her graduation from St. Francis College, Mary Ann became a teacher. The children loved her and they shared wonderful times together. However, there was always a little tug in her heart toward Parish work. She decided that would be her future path.
Now, over three decades later, there are few parishes or programs or committees in this great diocese of Brooklyn that S. Mary Ann did not influence, inspire, or birth into being with her wisdom and love. Funny, dependable, and extremely creative, she has left her mark on the hearts and minds of many folks from near and far because she was a force of love … a force of Inclusive Love. She is still with us now … and will be forever because death does not have the last word. Love has the last word. Love always has the last word.
And now, as we continue to celebrate her, I offer to you Mary Ann’s own words:
“Thank you for the many notes, cards, and abundant prayers over these past months. They have meant the world to me! Thank you !
With a grateful heart, Mary Ann.”
Love always has the last word.
Thank you, Mary Ann, thank you.
Sister Peggy Conway CSJ
Sister Mary Ann Ambrose, CSJ died on June 26, 2024 in the 41st year of her religious life.