Sister Mathew Mary Gay, CSJ
We acknowledge and honor the life Sister Matthew lived. It was a life filled with prayer and joy with a spirit-filled faith. She was an educator well known as an excellent mathematics teacher and Principal. To all of her work she brought her love of community, her gift of listening, and her kindness to all.
We remember that Matthew lived her 89 years as an example to each and every person she met; that love is an action – and the practice of giving ourselves to others is the truest way to honor God.
During her time here on earth, including her 71 years in our congregation, we count ourselves blessed by the sacrament of her life and for this we are grateful. In the sure and certain hope in the resurrection to eternal life, we commend Matthew to our God.
Sister Mathew Mary Gay, CSJ died on May 12, 2020 in the 71st year of her religious life.