Sister Maureen Montgomery, CSJ
Maureen Montgomery entered the Sisters of St. Joseph on September 4, 1952 and was a Sister for sixty-two years. At Reception, she received the name Sister Mary Adelaide. She earned a BA in Biology, an MS in Science Education and certification in Administration. Her early ministry was teaching the primary grades but then she taught science at the Academy of St. Joseph and later served there as Assistant principal. In 1990, she returned to teaching science at St. John the Baptist HS. Her last ministry was acting as Treasurer at Sacred Heart Academy in Hempstead.
As women religious we strive to listen attentively to God speaking to our hearts. Throughout our lives we try to sense how to respond to the needs of our world and be God’s presence to the ignorant, suffering and marginalized. It is a covenant relationship as Hosea tells us in the first reading of today’s liturgy. God calls us to be intimately connected with justice, loyalty and compassion. Maureen listened to God all of her life and responded simply,with openness, generosity and with her endearing smile. She was faithful and knew her God in the depths of her being.
As teacher of young children, administrator and someone who loved the congregation, Maureen was always open and available to do whatever needed to be done. Her loyalty to the students and families of the Academy of St. Joseph exemplifies her willingness to assume whatever role that would advance the mission of our congregation.
As all of us journey through different phases of our lives we realize that we are not totally independent, self-sufficient and isolated. We need one another to face the many challenges life holds for us. Maureen knew how to depend on others and with her inner self strong she faced the challenges that life offered.
So it is with gratitude and admiration that we realize Maureen now comprehends, with all of the holy ones, the breadth, length and depths of God’s love. May she be filled with the utter fullness of God as she enjoys eternal peace.