
Sister Patricia Joan Murphy, CSJ

We acknowledge and honor the life Sister Patricia lived.  It was a life filled with fun, joy, relationships, love of family, love of her Irish heritage, and reaching out to others in her pastoral ministry roles.

 We remember that she lived her 85 years as an example to each and every person she met that love is an action – and the practice of giving ourselves to others is the truest way to honor God.

During her time here on earth, including her 65 years in our congregation, we count ourselves blessed by the sacrament of her life and for this we are grateful.

Sister Patricia Joan Murphy was a true Brooklynite – she was born, raised, educated in and served in this borough.

Pat enjoyed being around children and for nearly twenty years taught in elementary school. Feeling called to serve God in a new way; she studied Spiritual Counseling, and soon pursued the rigorous standards to receive her certification from the National Association of Catholic Chaplains. With the required skill set, personality and education she was chosen by the Brooklyn Diocese to oversee and manage a sixty unit apartment for seniors.

With a love of people and a desire to serve the sick, she then devoted her life to hospital chaplaincy.  She served as chaplain, and later as Director of Pastoral Care in Brooklyn’s busiest hospitals. She was a gentle listening and caring presence to thousands of patients and their families, in times of trauma and sadness.

Family and friends were integral to S. Pat’s life.  She was  a loving sister and strong advocate for her youngest sibling Mary Ann.  Their special relationship is truly a gift, not only for them but for others to see.  She also delighted in her friendships, both new and old.  Sisters Edith and Maureen as well as others have known her for countless years.  She valued these gifts of friendship.

Pat saw God in nature and delighted in its wonders. With an appreciative eye, a sense of the sacred and good composition, she  captured beautiful scenes with her photographs. She delighted in sharing her interest with loved ones. Pat’s Irish heritage was important to her. She enjoyed not only the music but the festivities as well. Her travels have took her to Irel at time or two. S. Pat used her God given gifts as she was sensitive and kind to those she knew at Maria Regina.  She had a listening ear and always shared a cookie or a piece of chocolate. Sister Pat was teacher, chaplain, photographer and devoted sister and friend.

Sister Patricia Joan Murphy, CSJ died on April 9, 2020 in the 65th year of her religious life.

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