
Sister Patricia Maria Carroll, CSJ

Sister Patricia Maria Carroll, CSJ, the former Sister Maureen Joseph, died on October 15, 2023 in the 72nd year of her religious life.

We come together today to celebrate and give thanks to God for the faith filled life of Sister Patricia Carroll, formerly Sister Maureen Joseph, a Sister of St. Joseph for 72 years.

We welcome Pat’s family, her nieces Maura and Jennifer and her extended McEneany family.  Each of you in your own unique way enriched Pat by your shared life experiences and countless celebrations and gatherings.  She treasured your loving and supportive ways.  In truth, these past years have made the sound of Kevin’s name a household fixture in our convents ~ one that brought great solace and joy to Pat.


We’re delighted to have Father Larry Ryan, Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus, Brooklyn as our celebrant.  Pat was at home and found deep peace in Holy Name and valued the relationships that grew from her volunteer work.

Welcome and gratitude to the Sisters, Administration, and Staff, particularly her aides at Stella Maris Convent, Sacred Heart Convent, Maria Regina and St. Joseph Convent.  You opened your home and hearts to Pat as she dealt valiantly with her health challenges especially her loss of sight.
Your kind care enabled Pat to have a quality of life ~ time to be present at Eucharist and time to be with her God as she journeyed home.  If we pause for a moment we can all envision Pat’s heavenly welcome ~ one that came after she loudly announced her arrival ~ in her clear, bellowing VOICE ~  “Here I am my loving God ~ It’s Pat Carroll and you can’t imagine how happy I am to be with you”!  It’s been a long journey home.

The Carroll family were true Brooklynites. Pat and her brother James grew up in St. Francis Xavier Parish, Brooklyn as the beloved children of Joseph and Mary.  Their home was characterized by a lively faith and a sense of hospitality to neighbors and family ~ near and far.  There was always an extra seat at the table.

After graduating from Bishop McDonnell HS, Pat worked for a year and then entered the Congregation ~ always with the desire to teach young children, which she did for 7 years while earning her degree from St. Francis College.

Pat always spoke with empathy and compassion about children with disabilities ~ especially those with hearing loss.  This passion and sensitivity brought Pat into the world of deaf education which became her lifelong service and ministry.

After 20 years with the Board of Education and considered a Master Teacher, Pat was often a guest lecturer ~ at places like Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Kennedy Center ~ renowned for weaving current pedagogy with real concern and focus on each child’s needs and life environment.

While active in ministry Pat tenderly focused on the care of her dear mother balancing community with family in a tapestry of loving kindness.

After leaving the classroom Pat became an adjunct professor at Hunter College and helped shape the lives of countless teachers with her vision of children’s capabilities and possibilities for a full and productive life.

Maura Costello, who shared Pat’s life experiences in the world of deaf education, will now share a personal reflection.

Tesa Fitzgerald, CSJ

Sister Pat Carroll and I go back a long way. I first met her,  Sister Maureen Joseph,. on Septembern 12, 1960, the day my sister Kathy entered the Sisters of St. Joseph. My parents were driving Kathy to Brentwood, and had to stop at St. Joseph Convent, Flushing, to pick me up to go to Brentwood with them.

On that very day, and in that convent in Flushing we met Sister Vincent and Sister Maureen Joseph, as they awaited the first deaf children who were to be the pioneer class of St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf. Father Thomas Cribbin arrived there in the rainstorm, also awaiting the delayed students. The excitement was high-pitched as, one by one, in the late afternoon, each little 5-year-old student became the nucleus of this new school for deaf children. Sister Maureen and Sister Agnes filled the borrowed “classroom”, this retirement home for our sisters, with anticipation and excitement, and also much nervousness. This day began a total gift of our Pat Carroll and Anne Behre, as representatives of our CSJ congregation’s funding of such a special school and ministry, thriving under their gentle and professional care for years.

Pat helped plant the seed and watered it with love, from 1960 to 1969 and again from 1970-72, when, after going to study at St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, she had her own class-grade Primary 3. Soon after, the public school system captured Pat for her 20-year stint at PS 47 School for the Deaf in NYC. Pat not only loved these students, and taught them well, but also was delighted at the NYC salary and pension she received, which she considered a blessing for the community. Her Hunter College experience teaching Deaf Ed teachers for 9 years allowed her expertise in this area, as well as her spirit, spirituality and humor, to enrich these student teachers on their educational path.

The streets of NY were filled with unusual happenings, and one day, Pat was asked by NYC police to interpret for a deaf woman who had been assaulted. Having completed well this difficult task, she received a prize gift from the officers, a parking tag to be used any place ,anytime in the NYC area. Well! Did she take advantage of this!

Pat’s family life began on Garfield Place in Brooklyn. She and her brother, Joseph, (to whom, she was “Pee Wee”),lost their father at a young age. Eventually, Mrs. Carroll moved to Carroll St. near Pat, a great consolation to both. Her cousin, Margaret McIneaney, and family all were close to the Carroll family and eventually became dear friends of Pat.. Pat and Margaret travelled to many places together – Rome, Alaska, cruises…a friendship shared all through the years while Pat lived in several convents in Brooklyn, including OLPH. Pat also shared life with Sisters Virginia Lake and Liz Graham.

Pat s such a supporter of Catholic Education, that she Created a trust fund for under privileged children in OLPH Parish, where she was living. This would enable 8th grade students to move into a Catholic High School affiliated with the Sisters of St. Joseph for many years
into the future.

Pat’s time in Sacred Heart, Hempstead and Stella Maris were peaceful for her, despite her gradual loss of sight. As she was supported and cared for by the sisters and staff there. When St. Joseph Convent became her final home, her illness was very stressful all around and God’s call surely was a great blessing for Pat. She now shares full life with her mom and family, her dear friend in community, S. Roseanne Curran and with her deceased CSJ Joseph Family of Brentwood. In heaven we can imagine her ordering God to do this & that, an aspect of
Pat’s life where she took charge of what she saw as part of her call – getting things done, focusing on Parish needs (Holy Name and Resurrection) and sharing life with Margaret Mcleaney and family, and being grateful for the gifts given her in life. In all circles of her life  there was humor, as well as rayerfulness. Her quips would have people laughing hysterically. The spirited blessings Pat had were shared by all who knew her. May she rest in peace.

Sister Maura Costello, CSJ

Thank you, Maura.  Your beautiful reflection captured Pat’s meaningful life work ~ and somehow we all know that your dear sister, Kathy’s inspiration shone through your words.  You both were very special to Pat.


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