Sister St. Timothy Connolly, CSJ
Sister St. Timothy Connolly knew in her heart that God dwelled within her. She was a Queens’s girl, daughter of Helen and Timothy and one of five Connolly girls. Her awareness of God’s compassionate presence in her life drew her to the Sisters of Saint Joseph over seventy one years ago. Knowing God was the source of her courage and strength, Timothy developed her gifts as an avid learner, studying mathematics, guidance and even taking a workshop on values clarification.
As a Sister of Saint Joseph, Timothy generously shared her gifts for the sake of others as teacher and school administrator here and in her beloved Puerto Rico. Her confidence in God working through her was obvious as she ministered with great enthusiasm and joy. The mission of our congregation is to bring about unity by witnessing to God’s all inclusive, healing and reconciling love. Timothy did that in her ministry of education and guidance which also included guiding her beloved family who all experienced those wonderful conversations on values. She changed people’s lives, the young and the aging, giving them hope and courage to face life’s challenges. As superior of St. Joseph Convent she could bring joy and energy to the sisters facing significant changes in their lives. Timothy did this because it was not about her but for the sake of others.
When Tim had to face challenges in her own life she did it with the faith, generosity and energy she did everything else. When she moved from the Convent to Maia Regina she would say, “I’m trying; I’m trying.” In time it evolved to a new statement: “I’m doing the best I can.” Well Tim you did try and you did the best anyone could ever do. May you now enjoy the fullness of the love and peace you nurtured in others.
Sister St. Timothy Connolly, CSJ died on May 1, 2015 in the 72nd year of her religious life.