
Sister Teresa Ryan, CSJ

Teresa Ryan, later known as Sister Teresa, was the firstborn of Irish immigrants in Brooklyn. She grew up hearing the stories of her parents lives, families, and friends in Ireland. Everyone was welcome in their

home; it was there that Teresa learned how to welcome others into her life. It was in her home that Teresa’s love of history, reading, and politics began and was nurtured in so many ways throughout her life.

She was a good student and during her high school years she worked in the Central Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. As the years passed Teresa became a librarian and soon became a mentor to other

librarians during a time when computers and technology were swiftlymoving everyone into new worlds of learning. Her patience and her kindness to all enabled all to feel welcome in her world – whether

that world encompassed library work, teaching or administration.
.As the oldest of seven children, she and her siblings learned early to enjoy the gifts that surrounded them every day. She and her sisters and brothers spent long summer days in Prospect Park. Each day their

mother arrived with a large basket of lunch for all of them..Knowing and enjoying every inch of Prospect Park, is it any wonder then, that Teresa loved fresh air, walking, and enjoying the beauty of creation .

Her enjoyment of creation even extended to her love of cooking!Teresa was a wonderful, innovative cook. In truth, the Sisters in her

Convents always looked forward to Teresa’s cooking nights. She was always eager to make something in a new and different

way… and the Sisters thoroughly enjoyed her efforts!


Teresa touched many lives – not only during her years of ministry at St. Joseph High School and St. Joseph College but also during her

years of living at OLPH convent. Whether people met her in Church or on the street, they always said that they felt that she had a friendly

and welcoming smile and was happy to talk with them.

And so, we thank our God and we thank Teresa’s family for giving her life and sharing her with us. She will take her love and care and kindness into her new dwelling place qhile never forgetting all the people she knew and loved here.

Thank you, Teresa, for your gentle and generous life among us.
Sister Teresa Ryan, CSJ, formerly Sister Teresa Edmund, died on August 22, 2023 in the 76th year of her religious life.

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