Celebrating Black History Month
Black History Month 2024
As we enter into Black History Month we are called to remember the great contributions made to the U.S. by African Americans. Since 1976, the month of February has served as a special time to bear witness to the impact of Black Americans. We must remember that this call to witness must not exist within just one month and that all year long we, as a congregation, wish to celebrate black history.
This year’s national theme for Black History Month is “African Americans and the Arts.” In keeping with this year’s theme we, the Justice Working Group on behalf of the JPIC office, would like to offer the following notes of inspiration for the month. Below you will find some key quotes and resources to guide you this month. You will also note two key event invitations as well as our annual Black History Month Downloadable Calendar.
May this month serve as a time of work towards the ultimate goal of equality, a goal that requires great work and dedication.
Quotes from Howard Thurman:
“… the mystic’s concern with the imperative of social action is not merely to improve the conditions of society. It is not merely to feed the hungry, not merely to relieve human suffering and human misery. If this were all, in and of itself, it would be important surely. But this is not all. The basic consideration has to do with the removal of all that prevents God from coming to [God’s Self] in the life of the individual. Whatever there is that blocks this, calls for action.” (From Howard Thurman’s “Mysticism and Social Action,” Lawrence Lecture on Religion and Society, First Unitarian Church of Berkeley, October 13, 1978)
“As long as a person has a dream in their heart, they cannot lose the significance of living… The dream in the heart is the outlet. It is one with the living water welling up from the very springs of Being, nourishing and sustaining all of life… The dream is no outward thing. It does not take its rise from the environment in which one moves or functions. Keep alive the dream; for as long as one has a dream in their heart, they cannot lose the significance of living.” (An excerpt from Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman.)
Art Resources: Click the links to encounter inspiring art and stories
Patricia Brintle’s Painting: P.Brintle Art
Loving directed by Jeff Nichols: Loving Film
The Harlem Writers Guild: Harlem W.G.
Ma’s House Studio: MA.Studio
JPIC Black History Month Tour on Saturday February 24th, 11am - 5pm
Details: In the Spirit of Our Roots in Education, you’re Invited to Honor Black History Month by taking an Educational Journey with visits and tours of the Southampton African American Museum and Ma’s House Art Studio. Click here for more information, Event Link.
Be Inspired: engage the work of poet, mystic, theologian, & spiritual activist Howard Thurman
Details: To celebrate Black History Month and to continue our work of Building Racial Resilience we invite you to join us for a special virtual event on the works of Howard Thurman. This virtual event will serve as a welcome introduction to Howard Thurman and will prepare us for our Spring JPIC keynote (in-person) with special guest Dr. Phillip Johnson on Saturday April 20, 2024.
When: Tuesday 2/27 1:30pm-2:30pm OR Wednesday 2/28 7:00pm-8:00pm
Registration will open soon, stay tuned.
Black History Month Calendar PDF:
Click here to access the 2024 PDF Calendar document - LINK
The Chapter Mission
The Chapter Mission offers us an invitation to “widen and deepen our prophetic call to justice.” It is within this call to justice that the work of the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation office is rooted. Through this area of ministry within the Sisters of St. Joseph, we are working to create opportunities for our community to grow in the journey of communal transformation rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel of Christ.
Contact the Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation
The JPIC office specifically addresses this call to justice through community engagement, specific issue-based actions, service collaborations, and much more. To learn more and to join us contact the JPIC Office at or
631-273-1187 ext. 158