Daily Reflections
Reflection We need to work together to strengthen our innate sense of decency, learn to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and join together to foster a standard of…
Feast of Hildegarde of Bingen Reflection According to both biblical and extra-biblical sources, during the first several centuries of the early church, the involvement of women was strong. Historically we…
Reflection Loneliness is a poignant homing instinct, like that of migratory birds. It guides us back towards this assurance: We are not meant to live cut off from each other,…
Reflection Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,take up his cross, and follow me. Mark 8: 34-35 Taking up the cross daily is a metaphor for the internal spiritual…
Reflection We believe that God, the Source of all that is, is revealed through creation. Creation awakens in us wonder and gratitude for its amazing beauty. We gather to watch…
Reflection While theologians have long debated Jesus’ true mission, that of apocalyptic prophet, sage teacher of wisdom, or sacrificial lamb, the variety of images and stories of Jesus seems to…
Reflection Discipleship means that we live to give God glory by loving the world and everything in it. This is what God does in Christ; this is what we do…
Reflection On this anniversary of that tragic day, we remember how we were united in shock and pain. There were no divisions then. We did not ask what race, what…
Reflection “The Spirit of God is always with Uu at this time, in this place. We awaken in our time to a Universe which is holy, to creation which is…
Reflection As persons, we have an internal unity. Who we are and what we believe infuses what we do. We cannot really separate our visible choices or words from what…