Spiritual Direction Formation

Spiritual Direction is a specialized ministry in the Church. It is a graced way of serving another believer, helping the other to grow in intimacy with God and to live out the consequences of this intimacy. Trained spiritual directors have a background in ministry, communication skills, personality dynamics, and various resources in prayer, spirituality and scripture. While some directors may be trained pastoral or psychological counselors, problem solving or therapy is not the focus. Rather, both director and directee agree to meet regularly so that the directee might pay closer attention to the action of God.

Sunlight falls on the rural lane in the misty autumnal forest. Photo taken in September.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is specialized ministry in the Church. It is a graced way of serving another believer, helping the other to grow in intimacy with God and to Live out the consequences of this intimacy.

A positive young therapist of Pacific Islander descent smiles while talking with an unidentifiable female client during a psychotherapy session.

Why would you need a Spiritual Director?

The need for a Spiritual Director comes when you want to develop a deeper relationship with God. When your search for God seems to be at a crossroads. When you want to explore new methods of prayer or prayer becomes difficult. When you feel the need for someone to assist you in discerning the call of the Spirit or when you feel the need for a companion on the spiritual journey to walk with you and listen. 

When did you start feeling this way?

What happens in Spiritual Direction? What can I expect?

The director assists you in becoming more aware of who God is for you. Helps you notice God's movement in the events of your life, and in your prayer as they listen to your story. 

Tuscany, Italy

Many men and women active in Church ministry today are being asked to listen and to be present to those in need. We offer a three-year training process to assist you in discerning your call to be a Spiritual Director. 

Image of saint Ignacio de Loyola in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Havana

What are the Spiritual Exercises? The Spiritual Exercises are a structured way of praying with the Sacred Scripture.  It is also called the Retreat in Everyday Life because it is a way of integrating your daily life with your prayer.  Observing the action of God in all the circumstances of your life is an amazing experience.

Interested in Spiritual Direction Formation or The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Programs and want to learn more?

If you are interested in any program please fill out the inquiry form below and make sure to include your full name, phone number and any questions you may have regarding our Spiritual Direction Programs. You can also contact the Office of Spiritual Direction at 631-273-1187 extension 411 or email sdfp@csjbrentwood.org
