Today, the Sisters of St. Joseph celebrate the anniversary of their formal foundation in 1650. We commemorate the courage and creativity of those first sisters, who in a society where women were not expected to be either pioneers or innovators managed to become both. The spirit that energized their action was a conviction that all are one in God’s love and we are united to and responsible for one another. The Gospel call that inspired them is the Gospel call to all Christians:” Love one another as I have loved you”. That love enabled them, without resources or power, to set out to do “whatever was necessary” to assist others in need. The congregation was disrupted by the French Revolution but was refounded under Mother St. John Fontbonne. Many women joined them and the congregation spread. In 1836 Sisters of St. Joseph came to the United States where they continued their mission. The mission continues today and Sisters of St. Joseph are still working to spread the vision of unifying love of neighbor through service to immigrants, by joining with others in combating racism, through a commitment to sustainability to preserve the planet, by empowering of women through education, and through the support of actions to foster world peace. (See About Us page of our website. Select History)
May we continue to live guided by love of God and neighbor.
Reflect on the question:” Who is my neighbor?” In the light of a 21st century understanding of the universe, in a time of division and multiple crises, what does that mean to you? How can it guide your actions and attitudes toward all others?
Suggested Reading
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. ”
Matthew 22:36-40
I came not to be served but to serve.
Matthew 20:28
We participate in the mission of Jesus who came to bring about the reign of God by revealing God’s love and by healing, redeeming and liberating all people. This mission challenges us to discern the needs of the times and to respond with courage and fidelity by undertaking whatever ministries may best bring about the union which is our purpose. With reverence for all creation, we work to secure the human dignity of all persons, especially the poor and oppressed.
Constitutions of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood, NY
As Sisters of St. Joseph living in the 21st Century, we believe in the power, presence and love of God working through an evolving universe and in God’s self-communication through Jesus Christ. We see our charism of love of God and union with all neighbors as consistent within the context of our times and recommit ourselves to Jesus’ mission to bring about God’s reign. We seek to promote justice, be faithful to lives of non-violence and respond to the needs of women and other persons who are poor.
Direction Statement, Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, NY, 2011
As Sisters of St. Joseph, our charism calls us to love of God and neighbor without distinction. We believe that all is one and that our call is to an active inclusive love that seeks this union with God and the sacred community of life that includes all of creation—air, soil, water, plants, and animals. We see ourselves in union with this community that we hold as the neighbor through whom God continues to be revealed. We acknowledge our responsibility to balance our communal needs and the needs of Earth now and into the future.
Land Ethic Statement, Sisters of St. Joseph 2015
With the zealous spirit of our Founding Mothers, we affirm that our greatest legacy is our charism, mission and spirituality along with our rich heritage of responding to the needs of the times. We live out this legacy of active, inclusive love now and in the future by sharing our spiritual, intellectual and material resources…
As the Congregation of the Great Love of God, we believe our loving God is intimately present in all creation and desires its flourishing. Our rootedness in the Gospel of Jesus calls us to deepen our awareness of the grave systemic injustices of our times. We commit ourselves to the risk and cost of fostering right and just relationships among all our sisters and brothers and Earth, our common home. We acknowledge the culpability of our own biases and our participation in oppressive social, political and religious policies and practices. In response to the sin of racism and other evils, we pledge ourselves to undergo personal and communal transformation.
Direction Statements, Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, NY, 2021
The basic desire of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is to reflect a “profound love of God and neighbor without distinction.” Our mission is to live and work so that all may be one. By building relational communities wherever we live and serve, we keep this mission alive. Whether we are among people who live in pockets of poverty and neglect, in middle class neighborhoods, or in areas of greater affluence, we are “sisters of the neighborhood” trying to meet the varied needs of people and to create centers of relationship and unity. True to the dream of our foundresses, we continue to “divide the city, seek the ills and cure them.” In the context of their times, the original Sisters of Saint Joseph were mostly uneducated women. Today, every woman who joins the congregation receives the education necessary to fulfill her ministry. Sisters of Saint Joseph can be found in soup kitchens, shelters, universities, schools, hospitals, courtrooms, prisons, retreat centers, offices, nursing homes, laboratories, studios and hospices. We are educators, lawyers, doctors, nurses, family therapists, social workers, patient advocates, spiritual directors, parish ministers, theologians, psychologists, physical therapists, administrators, artists, authors, musicians, poets and a myriad of other things. We still seek to do, as our history tells us, “Whatever is possible for women to do” and in our present society, we know this is simply everything.
United States Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph