Sister Adele Morgan, CSJ

Jun 19, 2014

We come together on this last day of spring to celebrate the life of Sister Adele Marie Morgan, a Sister of Saint Joseph for sixty-nine years. As we anticipate the warmth of summer that will enable flowers and crops to flourish we can see a parallel in Adele’s life. After teaching young children she pursued the study of religious education at a time when the field was growing and expanding from simple instruction in the catechism to formation of a faith life grounded in the belief in a loving God.

As Sisters of Saint Joseph we believe in the power and presence of a loving God active in our evolving universe. We are to be that presence to others by touching into God’s love for us and bearing that love to our neighbor without distinction. As we will read in the first reading of today’s liturgy, God lures and leads us into a deeper relationship with our God. Adele was lured and led to pursue studies in religious education and liberation theology. It led her to study in Europe and Peru and expanded her understanding of God’s outpouring of love on all without distinction, especially the poor and oppressed. God is not a God of judgment and domination but a God of justice and compassion. Open to these new understandings, Adele shared them in her ministry and they were formative in her own life. Directing programs in parishes and working to prepare materials for publication, Adele generously shared her knowledge and understandings with countless adults and children.

Being a loving and compassionate presence was not limited to Adele’s ministry. She shared her love and concern for her family, her brothers Arthur and John and most especially her cousin Laurene. Adele cared deeply for Laurene and shared times of celebration during the holidays as well as relaxed days on vacation.

Understanding, faithfulness and presence – these qualities in Adele’s life revealed the power and presence of a loving God to so many in her ministry, to her sisters in the congregation and to her beloved family. Adele accepted the invitation we will hear in today’s gospel to “Eat this bread; Drink this cup.” We can be confident that as Adele, who fed on understanding a loving God, now enjoys the fullness of life promised to all who love.

Sister Adele Morgan, CSJ died on June 15, 2014 in the 69th year of her religious life.

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