Sister Ann Margaret Dyer, CSJ

Feb 13, 2014

Ann Margaret Dyer entered the Sisters of St. Joseph on July 13, 1923. At reception, she was given the name Sister Catherine Elizabeth.

Ann held a BA English Manhattan College, an MA French Rivier College Nashua, NH, Certification Administration Fordham University, Certification French NY State Permanent Cert (Grades 7-12).

We have an image of a portrait of a Sister of Saint Joseph as a woman, eyes wide opened, ears attentive, spirit alert, never settled down, searching what God and the dear neighbor await from her, and on her face an expression of the continual joy of spirit.

Alert, searching, joyful: these are the characteristics of someone who knows she is intimately connected to God, knowing she is loved and can bring that joy and love wherever it is needed.  Ann learned to listen to a loving God from her early days in a loving Irish immigrant family.

She continuously discerned that call which led her to use her many gifts as teacher and administrator often taking on multiple responsibilities in a school or parish. Yet another image of a Daughter of Joseph, sleeves rolled up to do whatever needed to be done. Whatever Ann did, she did with that joy of Sprit revealing the depth of her relationship with a loving God. Relationships are key in the life of a Sister of Saint Joseph and Ann held dear relationships with her family in happy times and in times of loss and struggle. Ministering in almost every one of our congregational schools, Ann developed relationships with many and some became life-long friends. Attentive, faithful and open, Ann’s life touched many.

On our congregation’s web site, today’s daily prayer reminds us that life is a gift, a responsibility and a blessing. “Just to be is a blessing; just to live is holy.” (Abraham Heschel). Ann knew that in her heart and lived with integrity, reverence and compassion.

May she now enjoy the fullness of the love you shared with so many.


Sister Ann Margaret Dyer, CSJ, the former Sister Catherine Elizabeth, died on February 13, 2014 in the 74th year of her religious life.

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