Sister Florence Theresa Dippold, CSJ

Dec 1, 2017

Sister Florence Therese Dippold lived her life as a Sister of St. Joseph for 68 years with dedication and compassion. Born to George and Florence in Valley Stream, Florence attended The Mary Louis Academy and upon graduation entered the congregation. While teaching elementary school in parishes in Brooklyn and Queens including St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Michael’s and others, Florence earned a BA in English from St. Francis College and a MS in Education from St. John’s University.

After many years of teaching, Florence obtained certification in Pastoral Care and served as Chaplain in Mary Immaculate Hospital for 11 years. Her dedication and care for the patients and their families was well known and when there was an opening in NY Flushing Hospital, they knew Florence was the one they wanted to serve as Chaplain. She ministered there for 13 years. As a true Sister of St. Joseph, Florence did whatever needed to be done. As we heard last evening she would say doing “the impossible just takes a little longer.” Well Florence took the time to get whatever patients needed and attended to things that concerned them even arranging for a baby to be baptized, finding peace in the midst of a family issue and always with her quick wit and determination. Florence was Christ’s caring and compassionate presence to others. She made real God’s reign as described by the prophet Isaiah in the first reading we will hear today: “On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples……..the Lord will wipe away tears from all people.”

Florence has lived her life faithful to the gospel and we can all say on her behalf the words of St. Paul “I give thanks to my God every time I think of you….at the way you have continually helped promote the gospel from the very first day.” We do thank Florence for her joy in life, her integrity and faithfulness to her family and our congregation.

Sister Florence Theresa Dippold, CSJ died on December 1, 2017 in the 68th year of her religious life.

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