Sister Margaret de Sales Grob, CSJ
Feb 4, 2015
We celebrate the life of Sister Margaret de Sales Grob, a Sister of St. Joseph for seventy-five years. Deep within our beings we long to touch into an inner sense of goodness and love that allows us to live our lives with honesty, integrity and compassion for others. In touch with that unconditional love, we can reach out to others, accept their unique gifts and encourage them to live in harmony with one another and all creation.
As Sisters of Saint Joseph we have committed our lives to contemplate God’s love that moves us to live lives that are simple, prayerful, courageous and compassionate. We strive to sense the dignity in all creation and to work to bring that dignity where there is ignorance, exclusion or oppression. Margaret did that every day of her life. As teacher of Latin, a sister in community, and mentor she could see the goodness in all and found ways to provide what was needed, and to encourage others to recognize their gifts in a simple, courageous and compassionate way. She could only do that knowing deep within her being that God’s love for her was boundless.
As we celebrate this Eucharist together today, we are reminded that we all share in God’s unconditional love. The gospel story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus reminds us to be attentive to God’s presence in our lives. As we celebrate Margaret’s life of dedication and service, we are called to remember her attentiveness to God in her life. We remember the influence she had on us and we promise to imitate it so we can influence the lives of others. May she rest in peace.
Sister Margaret de Sales Grob, CSJ died on February 4, 2015 in the 76th year of her religious life.