Sister Margaret Jogues Ednie, CSL
Nov 2, 2015
We thank God for the life of Sister Margaret Jogues Ednie, a Sister of Saint Joseph for sixty eight years.
There is an Irish symbol known as the “Claddagh.” It symbolizes love, loyalty and friendship. That love drew Margaret to religious life and our congregation whose mission is to bring all into union with God and neighbor without distinction. In a world where we see poverty, violence and discrimination, the need for God’s all-inclusive and reconciling love is great. Margaret knew that love in her life and brought it into her ministry of education with tremendous faithfulness and loyalty. She was determined to do what needed to be done as she encountered a need. Her dedication was obvious in her long commitment to the people in Transfiguration Parish and especially to those in Holy Family.
Margaret enjoyed the companionship of friends with so many at Holy Family. In her “friendship” with those she encountered in her ministry, she companioned them in times of struggle and in times of joy. Her care for others, often expressed with that determination we all knew, brought them closer to the source of all love and life.
Margaret knew struggles in her own life but relied on her God for strength and courage. In the first reading of today’s liturgy we will pray a line that Margaret prayed in her difficult times “Give strength to hands that are tired and to knees that tremble with weakness.” She lived and prayed with confidence because she truly believed what Isaiah tells us “they will be happy forever, forever free from sorrow and pain.”
Margaret now enjoys that freedom and God’s unconditional love. We are all united with her in that same love and thank God for Margaret’s life of love, loyalty and friendship.
Sister Margaret Jogues Ednie, CSJ died on November 2, 2015 in the 69th year of her religious life.