Sister Margaret Mary Connolly, CSJ

Aug 24, 2018

We are here to celebrate the life of Margaret Mary Connelly, a Sister of St. Joseph for seventy-two years .

She has kept the faith that was nurtured by her parents, Margaret and William, in their home parish of St. Martin of Tours in Brooklyn.  Margaret attended elementary school there and then St. Joseph’s Juniorate, entering the congregation in 1946. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education from St. John’s University, Cum Laude.  Margaret taught in elementary school in St. Teresa of Avila, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Michael’s, Flushing, St. Pascal Baylon and St. John of God.  During this time Margaret studied music and attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from Marywood College and eventually a Master’s in Music Education from Queens College. She continued to teach Music at St. John of God in Islip, St. Claire’s in Rosedale, Blessed Sacrament and Holy Name in Brooklyn.

Consistent with our tradition to do whatever needed to be done, Margaret attended workshops in Accounting and Bookkeeping and took Computer courses at Brooklyn College. This led to Margaret’s ministry in Financial Services that resulted in 20 years of dedicated service in Holy Cross in Brooklyn and eventually at Our Lady of Perpetual help and Hour Children.  Dedicated and faithful, Margaret was a woman with integrity, honesty and openness to the people to whom she ministered. She lived the words we will hear from Jeremiah: “To whomever I send you, you will go and whatever I command you, you will speak.” Margaret could have only done this knowing she had the support of her faithful and loving community with Eileen and Catherine. Through many challenges, they supported one another and came to Stella Maris to witness to what community means in the midst of all of what life would demand of them.

Margaret spoke and many listened because they could sense she was attentive to the voice of God revealing all-inclusive and unconditional love.

It is interesting to note that as we celebrate Margaret’s life, we also remember the feast of St. Augustine. I believe she duly understands the words of Augustine who said “By your grace you have renewed me, let me live my life in you; let me find my life in you.” She has truly found her life in God.

Now Margaret enjoys the gift of eternal peace and once again witnesses to the faith. Margaret, we thank you for your dedication and faithfulness. We remember all the good you have done that will live on in our lives and we are grateful.

Sister Margaret Mary Connolly, CSJ died on August 23, 2018 in the 72nd year of her religious life.

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