Sister Marie Pierre Meyer,CSJ

Feb 28, 2015

Sister Marie Pierre Meyer 3 2 15Sister Marie Pierre Meyer was a Sister of Saint Joseph for nearly seventy –seven years. How fitting that we gather to celebrate Eucharist, a remembrance of God’s abundant and unconditional love. Sister Marie knew that love from her early years in Richmond Hill, through the care of her parents, Joseph and Catherine and their extended family who gather with us today including “cousins by the dozens.

The mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is to bring all into union through the profound love of God and neighbor without distinction. Marie Pierre lived that mission every day of her religious life. She did it with a deep sense of God’s presence in her own life and through faithful attentiveness to all around her. Marie was a gifted musician who had earned BM in Music at Matywood College and an MS in Music at Queens College. She used her talents to inspire and teach others how to develop their gifts, not just in music, but in lessons critical to live a meaningful life.

Relationships are key in the life of a Sister of Saint Joseph and Marie Pierre was amazing in how she kept everyone connected through her thoughtful greeting cards for special occasions, meaningful gifts and, oh yes, through the technology of her cell phone, i-pad and even Facebook. Her joy in life was contagious and easily shared at celebrations with family or here in the convent when they would join her.

Yet, Marie’s greatest gift was the example of how she lived her life. As teacher, mentor, friend and religious, Marie looked at every day as an opportunity to draw closer to the God of life and love, many hours here in this sacred chapel. She was keenly aware of those around her and reached out to provide encouragement and warmth. In her own struggles, she showed courage and perseverance, relying on her faith in the God who nurtured her and cared for her.

So, as we prepare to celebrate Eucharist, we hold all of these memories and lessons in our hearts. We realize that Sister Marie is now with God and we know that that embrace is wide enough to include all of us here today. Marie’s love, thoughtfulness and care will continue through our love, thoughtfulness and care for one another and all life.

Sister Marie Pierre Meyer, CSJ died on February 27. 2015 in the 77th year of her religious life.

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