Sister Mary Meehan, CSJ

Apr 14, 2014

We gather in this sacred space to celebrate the life of Sister Mary Meehan, Sister Regina Victoria, a Sister of Saint Joseph for nearly sixty three years. As a congregation we strive to do whatever needs to be done in a spirit of excellence tempered by gentleness, peace and joy. This has involved us in many ministries including education, health care, parish and social ministries and moves us to look at the injustices in our world and counteract them. Mary’s entire life has been a vibrant expression of our mission to bring God’s healing and reconciling love wherever there is need.

Excellence has permeated every aspect of Mary’s life. As a teacher in elementary grades for twenty years she was a caring and encouraging presence for her students. I can personally affirm that as Sister Regina Victoria was my third grade teacher. Her gentle and warm demeanor made learning enjoyable and challenging. Mary pursued her love of theology with the same spirit of excellence and ongoing inquiry, always thinking and questioning ahead of her time. She shared her insights and love of learning with her adult theology students and at Sacred Heart Academy. As teacher, mentor and assistant superior of our Maria Regina Residence, Mary always spoke the truth with love.

Mary loved her family with the gentleness and joy that permeated all she did in her life. Her sister-in-law Joan and all of her nieces and nephews know this in all the wonderful experiences they shared with Aunt Mary. Mary loved her brothers and sisters and companioned her sister Winnie here in our motherhouse with that same gentleness and joy.

How appropriate that we celebrate this Eucharist in the final days of Lent. During this season we are drawn once again into the mystery of God’s unconditional love through suffering, death and the reassurance of resurrection. Mary now enjoys the fullness of life.  In the midst of our sadness we keep our hearts and minds focused on the promise that one day we will all be united in the ultimate gift of Love.

Sister Mary Meehan, CSJ died on April 9, 2014 in the 63rd year of her religious life.

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