Sister Mary Rose Feeney, CSJ

Apr 21, 2018

We are here together today to remember and celebrate the life Mary Rose Feeney, S. Rose Andrew, a sister of St.Joseph for sixty two years.

In this season of Easter we hear the stories of the Apostles going out to do what Jesus taught them to do, to teach, heal and be the face of a loving God to all in need. Mary Rose was deeply aware that God had called her by name and she was attentive to the Spirit in her own life. She was, as Paul describes in the reading from today’s liturgy, “filled with the knowledge of Gods will, and able to do what pleases God.” She certainly fostered all kinds of what Paul calls “good deeds” so we are here today to give thanks to  God for her life.

Born to Mary and Andrew, Mary Rose grew up in the Rockaways and attended St. Francis de Sales and Stella Maris High School. After finishing high school Mary Rose entered the congregation and taught elementary school in St. Clare’s St. Pascal Babylon, Sts. Cyril and Methodius and St. John of God.

During those years Mary Rose earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Brentwood College and a Masters in Religion from St. Michael’s College. She taught Religion at Fontbonne Hall Academy and The Mary Louis Academy. Then Mary Rose returned to her home parish and served in Parish Outreach ministry in St. Camillus for ten years. In all of her ministries, she embodied the love of God and neighbor without distinction, central to our congregation’s mission.

Through all of her life Mary Rose was close to her family and they were always attentive to her and cared so deeply for her as she faced her struggle with illness and failing health. Their support helped Mary Rose continue to live out her call with the sure and certain knowledge that God would always be with her in the challenges and troubles she would bear. She relied on God for power and strength. So in the midst of sadness, it is with joy that we give thanks to God for Mary Rose’s life and rejoice that she can now enjoy the eternal peace and fullness of life with her loving God.

Sister Mary Rose Feeney, CSJ died on April 21, 2018 in the 63rd year of her religious life.

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