Sister Vivina Gracia Supelveda, CSJ

Jun 23, 2018

Buenos dias a todos….

Good morning everyone ….

I would like to share with you a few words of admiration about our smaller in size but big in heart Sister Vivina Gratia Supelvida.

She was always so generous, sure of her convictions, gentle in her ways of living her  life.  She was humble and simple, a deeply prayerful religious, a good listener who was grateful for all God’s gifts to her.

She loved to travel all over the world, touching many people’s lives everywhere she  went .

Before she entered the Sisters of St. Joseph,  she worked as a teacher, so she was able to buy her parents  a house to show them how grateful she was to them for all they gave her.  I am very  happy  to say that Vivi was our senior sister from the four sisters that remain in the  congregation  from our dear town of Lajas, P.R.   (Vivi Rosario, Luz Leida and Gloria)

Many of her students, who are now professionals remember her, because of how understanding and caring she was to them.

One of them said to me recently that Vivi was like a beautiful flower from  Puerto Rico – the Amapola, that she opened her petals to embrace all around her and the  God whom she loved and dedicated all her life.  She pleased him (the Lord) with her joy and dedication to all He asked her to do as a missionary.

I am sure that Vivi has touched us here in this chapel in big and small ways.  I am also sure  that her presence among us will remain with us for a long time.

Thank you Vivi from the deepest place in our hearts for the gift of yourself to your family, our congregation and all your friends.  Thanks for your Vivi was always grateful for the wonderful care she received from the nurses, the aids    and personnel here in the mother house.  She was very happy to be back in Saint Joseph’s Brentwood for her last four years of her religious life with her sisters in her community.

Thank you Lord for such a great gift of Vivi, an excellent religious, a model for us to   follow, a loving sister to all.

Adios Vivi.  Descansa en Paz.


Sister Gloria Cruz, CSJ

Vicar of Puerto Rico

Sister Vivina Gracia Supelveda, CSJ died on June 23, 2018 in the 69th year of her religious life.

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