Renewing Our Sacred Space - St. Joseph Villa Chapel

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This is a moment of grace and opportunity for the Sisters of Saint Joseph and you, our friends and supporters.  Together, we are renewing our sacred space -the Chapel at St. Joseph Villa-creating an oasis of prayerful beauty where God is found in Word and Sacrament, in song and worship, in persons gathered.  

We have a variety of naming opportunities within the chapel and its surrounding gardens. A donation to our chapel is a lasting way to remember beloved family members, friends, or a sister who touched your life with love.

Each donation to the Chapel at St. Joseph Villa will be memorialized on an elegant plaque and prominently placed. You and your loved ones will be remembered at Mass and in the prayers of our sisters during their annual time of retreat.

Giving Options

  • Payments may be made using your Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover
  • Please make checks payable to: Sisters of St. Joseph Chapel Campaign, and write "Chapel Campaign" in the memo line.
  • We accept electronic fund transfers, stock transfers, Donor Advised Funds, IRA transfers, Bequests & Annuities.
  • Payments may be made over a period of three (3) years for gifts over $10,000.
  • Your pledge payments to this campaign will be used for the renovation of St. Joseph Villa Chapel.
  • Payment reminders and a special payment envelope will be mailed to you in accordance with the payment plan you choose.
  • Pledge payments are fully deductible for tax purposes.

If you have any questions about the campaign or making a pledge, please contact: Jorge DeJesus, Director of Mission Advancement at (516) 526-6770 or email

Many people contribute to the life of St. Joseph bd provide vision for our future. Our deepest gratitude extends top those who have given the gifts of their time and talents to make this project a success.